"He argues, accounts, identifies things to a degree of specificity, accuracy and speed that hasn't been done before... If pure skill was measured, or understood, you'd understand how talented that lawyer is..." J. R. (Lawyer)
Michigan State University College of Law
Juris Doctor Degree
Jurisprudence Award
Bar Number: P 78450
Standing: Good Standing
National Trial Lawyers Top 40 under 40
2019 Avvo Client's Choice Awards Recipient
City Pulse Top 5 Law Firms (the only single lawyer law firm to obtain this distinction among a circulation of over 50,000 readers --without a subscription)
Former Deputy City Attorney
Jurisprudence Award recipient (awarded to the highest scoring student in law school, in 2010 Michigan State University College of Law)
Civic Activity: Cultural Diversity Award 2014

"About Us"
The line between self promoting, and advertising often gets blurred; but it won't here: I was born in Miami, FL, raised, and lived in over 17 cities (17 years of which, in Las Vegas, NV), several states, and two continents. I've been Blessed with a wealth of experiences, unforeseen changes, and growth, during which, I became a lawyer. I graduated from Michigan State University College of Law, and it was during these years (i.e., during law school, not because of it) that I experienced critical growth, especially post 2010.
Suffice it to say, no one's life can be reduced to a few words, nor should it be attempted to for the purpose of trying to capture some marketable aspect of it. That's not what the "about me" section is "about." Indeed, it's titled "about us" for --among other reasons-- it's sincerely not about "me:" I've been given an abundance, including the ability to do the work I love to do, and good people in my life...
Indebted..., I'm grateful and fully aware that this gift of life and every Blessing, moment, and opportunity in it..., were given "to" rather than earned 'by' me. Accordingly, this is meant to serve as an expression, and perhaps a reminder to be grateful for all I have, which is to say, all that I've been given --including loved ones that help inform "us."